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Welcome to the home page of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery RCSI My CPD Portfolio site for Nursing and Midwifery practitioners. From this page you can register to use the site and then once registered log-in, to your portfolio. All the information you enter will be confidential to you however the portfolio does enable you to easily extract the content for a variety of different purposes.

The ePortfolio provides an opportunity for Nurses and Midwives to demonstrate your committment to keeping your knowledge and skills up-to-date by taking part in relevant continuing professional development. There are sections in which you can plan, record and reflect on your professional development and link this activity to the College's domains of competence and the indicators within them.

You can also capture online details of all your qualifications, your employment, your personal/professional philosophy, your record of clinical supervision, your achievements and membership(s) of professional associations.